Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hey guys this is Brendan, well the 30 hours of fasting is almost over, and this has been a life changing event to me. My favorite part of this event is when we brake up into our groups and have a discussion about our activities we did. My life change when I saw two siblings (one girl and one boy) who were laying in the dirt and they had polio and were skinning as bones, what hit me the most was when their older sister came back from walking miles and miles just to get water for her siblings to bathe them. I ask myself could I ever do that if one of my siblings had any kind of disease like that? It hit me so hard that tears were coming from my eyes and seeing what the older sibling was doing to care for her other siblings. It broke my heart and those siblings are in my heart as well. I want to do something to help those orphans who have those disease, but I know I am still young, but that doesn't matter, I will pray to God and ask him what can I do to be part of something more greater then I can imagine. I will read my bible to know his words and to understand what God is doing right now and what his plans will be for me, family, church family, friends, homeless, widows, and the orphans.

Here are some more shots from last night and today.  The group is getting hugry, but learning a lot and have a little more understanding of what many go through not just for 30 hours, but everyday of their lives.
So far it's 20 hours into the 30 hour famine. I feel pretty good, although not as good as I was at 8am. I'm not too hungry right now. I think that my body has just accepted that it is not going to get food and has settled in for the long haul. The juice breaks help because of the sugar. The games help to take your mind off of not eating. I think that if I was doing this at home I'd have a much harder time because I'd be surrounded by food. But so far I'm all right.

I am experencing pain and hunger at church. Then yet agin i was agin experencing pain and hunger. But i have over come the hunger at this stage. But also i can't learn aneything at all. But i can learn if i can really conatrate on things. But i can't becuase i jest can't becuase i am more foucested on my hunger that how i look and how i talk also on how i moove i move very very slowy.  But i can only stay and watch this hunger go bye. But on the good side i can only say i am enjoying this unlimited tabble of drinks.  So pretty much so i am good it was jest the first part of the 30 hr famin that really made me very tired.  So i am going to say good bye  for now i am going to get a drink.


At first it wasn't so bad but at night I was really struggling.  The  juice breaks help to fill up your stomach a little bit, but still I am pretty hungry.  I really liked the balloon tag, even though I didn't pop a single balloon.  The activities help keep the hunger off my mind and focus on God's word.  The videos that they showed us were pretty sad but this is overall making me more focused on God.


More pictures from last night.

Friday, February 15, 2013

So almost 12 hours since I ate. Well all of us I suppose. I actually dont feel too bad. It is WAY past my bedtime though.

Watched the saddest Video I think I have ever seen in my life. HUMBLING is an understatement. As a mother is is heart wrenching to see children so hungry and just starving for not only food but for hope. Really have some praying and contemplating to do tonight.

Lorraine Jaramillo
It's 11:26 right now, and the hunger pangs are starting to really kick in. (It's actually 11:27 now.) I've been really thinking about all the great food we're gonna get tomorrow night. Can't wait for that Fettucine Alfredo, Mom.
              On a more serious note, we've watched three videos so far tonight. It's hard to hear some of the stories that they tell. One of the videos talked about a lot of girls that are my age or younger that get sold to prositution in Thailand. That hits home for me. (Considering I'm that age, and I'm a girl.) It's sad to hear what they have to say, and what happens to them. The first video was about these two children that were starving and had polio. Their parents had abandoned them, leaving their older sister who was just 8 years old to take care of them. I'm 14 and I wouldn't want the job of two kids to take care of. Yet she took care of them willingly and lovingly. That takes a lot of love for your siblings to do.
10:30 pm Hunger hasn't set in yet for me. I have been enjoying myself being with the youth of our church. We have such wonderful compasionate kids here at Shadow Mountain. The videos that we have watched so far have been sad and eye opening for me. The horrible things that happen to children make my heart ache.
Pam Main

its been 10 hours since my last meal. its been hard trying to fight back hunger.i have had fun whith events i have had.


Here are a few pics from our event so far.  Our particpants are having a good time and learning a lot as well.  We will have some posts coming up from some of the youth later tonight.

Almost Time!

Only a few more hours until we begin!!!
Is everyone ready?????  
I can't wait to see everyone there!  It will be great to hear how God works through ALL of the people participating in this event.  I believe God can move Mountains, and it's always exciting to see His hand in our lives!  See you tonight!!!

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action:  be self-controlled;  set your hope fully on the grace to be given  you when Jesus Christ is revealed." - 1 Peter 1:13


Sunday, February 10, 2013

We are getting very excited for the countdown to our Go Hungry for Orphans Event coming up on Friday!!  Here is a photo from last year where our group fasted and raised donations to help impoverished people in Haiti.  This year our funds will be going towards helping orphans in Ethiopia and Haiti. 

For those of you who won't be joining us at the church for the overnight event, please follow our blog throughout the event.  It will be updated every few hours, and we'd LOVE to have you at our prayer and potluck on Saturday the 16th starting at 5 pm.